

The wahoo is found worldwide in tropical and subtropical areas.  In Hawaii it is known as the Ono (means “tasty” or “delicious”) and in the Caribbean and Central America it is known as the Peto.  Their body is elongated and covered with small, barely visible scales.  Their back is an iridescent blue and their sides are silvery with a pattern of vertical blue bars (these colors fade rapidly upon death).  The Wahoo have a large mouth with razor sharp teeth and are a very aggressive fish.  They can grow up to 8 feet in length and weigh up to 180 pounds.  The Wahoo is a rapidly growing fish – one specimen that was tagged at 11 pounds grew to 33 pounds in one year.  Wahoo can swim up to 50 mph , one of the fastest fish in the sea.  Wahoo tend to be solitary or occur in groups of two or three fish, but when conditions are suitable can be found in schools as large as 100 or more.  Their diet is made up of other fish and squid.  The flesh of the wahoo is white and very delicate.