Black Drum

posted in // Black Drum, The "Hook"

The black drum is a saltwater fish similar to the red drum, however it is the only species in its genus Pogonias.  Though most specimens are generally found in the 5-30 lb range, the black drum is well known as the largest of all the drum family with some specimens reaching excesses of 90 lbs.  The world record black drum was just over 113 lbs.  They are often black and/or gray in color with juvenile fish having distinctive dark stripes over a gray body. Their teeth are rounded and they have powerful jaws capable of crushing oysters and other shellfish.  Black drum reach maturity in 4–5 years.  Studies have reported black drum weighing more than 60 kg on the Atlantic coast and they are believed to live up to 60 years.

The black drum is usually found in or near brackish waters. Larger, older fish are more commonly found in the saltier areas of an estuary near oyster beds or other plentiful food sources. Juvenile fish have 4 to 6 bold vertical black bars on a light background and can be mistaken for Sheepshead at first glance, but are distinguished on closer inspection because sheepshead have teeth and black drum have chin barbells. These stripes usually fade to dull grey as the fish grow from 12″ to 24″ in length. Juvenile fish are more commonly found in less salty areas and relate more strongly to structure and cover.

Black drum larvae eat mostly zooplankton, and young black drum eat worms and small fish. Black drum are mostly bottom feeders, with adults eating mostly mollusks and crabs. In shallow water, they have been reported to feed with their heads down so that their tails show above the water surface. Their sensitive chin barbels help locate food, and strong teeth crush the shells of these preferred foods. It has been reported that, in captivity, large drum were able to eat more than two oysters per kilogram of body weight each day.  This translates into the potential for a 45 lb fish to eat 40 oysters a day.  A group of black drum can do great damage to an oyster bed in a single day.